Class II Overlay (0)
Eagle Nest Location (1)
Eagle Nest Buffer (2)
Gopher tortoise located (3)
Gopher tortoise Overlay (4)
Historic tree located (5)
FL_DoH_PublicWellLocations (6)
Wellhead Protection Zones (7)
Natural Resource Management Area (8)
Outstanding Florida Waters (9)
Scrubjay (10)
| Blue: Scrub Natural Communities |
| Red: Landcover with Florida Scrub Jays |
Conservation Easements (11)
Conservation Lands (12)
Seagrass (13)
Sea turtle Lighting Zone (14)
SJRWMD Wetlands (16)
Wetlands NWI Outline (17)
Wetlands NWI by Category (18)
| Estuarine and Marine Deepwater |
| Estuarine and Marine Wetland |
| Freshwater Emergent Wetland |
| Freshwater Forested/Shrub Wetland |
| Freshwater Pond |
| Lake |
| Riverine |
Riparian Habitat Protection Zone (19)
| Spruce |
| Tomoka |
BasinManagementActionPlan (20)
Springs Priority Focus Areas (21)
FWC Wildlife Corridor Area (23)