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Legend (Environmental_Data)

Class II Overlay (0)
Eagle Nest Location (1)
Eagle Nest Buffer (2)
Gopher tortoise located (3)
Gopher tortoise Overlay (4)
Historic tree located (5)
FL_DoH_PublicWellLocations (6)
Wellhead Protection Zones (7)
Natural Resource Management Area (8)
Outstanding Florida Waters (9)
Scrubjay (10)
Blue: Scrub Natural Communities Blue: Scrub Natural Communities
Red: Landcover with Florida Scrub Jays Red: Landcover with Florida Scrub Jays
Conservation Easements (11)
Conservation Lands (12)
Seagrass (13)
Sea turtle Lighting Zone (14)
SJRWMD Wetlands (16)
Wetlands NWI Outline (17)
Wetlands NWI by Category (18)
Estuarine and Marine Deepwater Estuarine and Marine Deepwater
Estuarine and Marine Wetland Estuarine and Marine Wetland
Freshwater Emergent Wetland Freshwater Emergent Wetland
Freshwater Forested/Shrub Wetland Freshwater Forested/Shrub Wetland
Freshwater Pond Freshwater Pond
Lake Lake
Riverine Riverine
Riparian Habitat Protection Zone (19)
Spruce Spruce
Tomoka Tomoka
BasinManagementActionPlan (20)
Springs Priority Focus Areas (21)
FWC Wildlife Corridor Area (23)